Travel information

From any place in Lisbon to Congress Venue (Hotel ALDEIA DOS CAPUCHOS GOLF & SPA) a taxi must be taken to the following address: “Largo Aldeia dos Capuchos 2825-017 Caparica – Portugal”

  • Estimated price (no traffic jam): €25-€30
  • Avoid the following hours to travel from Lisbon to Caparica (most likely traffic jam): 18-21h
  • Avoid the following hours to travel from Caparica to Lisbon (most likely traffic jam): 07-09:30h
  • Always ask for a ticket to the taxi driver.

Special numbers:

  • Lisbon Police: +351 21 765 4242
  • Costa de Caparica Police: +351 212 909 340
  • Costa da Caparica Firemen: +351 212 900 030
  • Lisbon airport: +351 21 8413500
  • Costa da Caparica Taxi: +351 212 94 70 70
  • Lisbon Taxi: +351 21 811 9000